STA460C Component for Injector Driver

STA460C Component for Injector Driver

  • $9.00

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Have an injector not spraying or is it stuck open? This becomes a rather simple fix and 90% of the time leads to a failed injector driver. Each driver controls 2 injectors each with a total of 2 drivers in each ecu to control all 4 injectors. We can spot injector outputs malfunctioning very easily on our test bench. However if you don't have one of our ecu testers the next best alternative is to test on the vehicle itself using a noid light at the injector's connector. If there is either no output or a solid output, a driver has most likely failed. We recommend testing all 4 outputs as in most cases only 1 single injector output will be effected.

Part is to be installed with the writing facing the front label of the ecu case in the QM2 and QM3 locations. This component controls 2 injectors per driver, to control all 4 injectors there are a total of 2 drivers per ecu. This purchase is only for 1 driver.

There are MANY factors when diagnosing an ecu and MANY components in each circuit. No repair, replacement, or advice is a guarantee. If you are wanting us to diagnose and attempt repair on an ecu please CLICK HERE